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Connected Life has wide-range
of experience in developing portable, robust, scalable and secure applications based on Java, J2EE, .NET, PHP and related technologies. Unique engagement of product development and software product engineering model leverage strong software product companies to develop its software products faster and with lower operating cost.

about us

Connected Life is a fast growing
product engineering company focused on helping software companies create innovative products for the next generation. Headquartered in Austin, Connected Life has proven expertise and a deep domain understanding of technology to deliver software engineering services such as software product development (web/non web), product migration, software testing and custom application development maintenance to enterprises spread across the globe.


There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.
-C.A.R. Hoare

Product realization

In today’s markets where the funding environment is tight and every penny has become tough to obtain, it has become more important for a startup firm to undertake a thorough research on an appropriate technology/platform before committing any huge investments. We are offering unique service can help if you are a startup firm or looking to start a new firm.

project rescue

Connected Life is an expert at rescuing projects in jeopardy. Often, an IT or custom software project is in danger of never being finished. The code is a mess or the platform is not scalable and therefore doesn’t meet expectations.


The difference between theory and practice is larger in practice than the difference between theory and practice in theory
— Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

Presentation tech
Web and AJAX frameworks.  We have experience in applying many of the proven and latest web frameworks

Middle-tier tech
We have developed a vast number of application sthat use different type of Mid-Tier technologies using Java, Web Services utilizing many different frameworks

mobile technologies
Whether it is iOS or Android we have a vast experience with native tools to implement the tasks you require.

data technologies
On metal or in the cloud, whether it is SQL or no-SQL databases, we have a vast experience in development and maintenance of large data sets.

So, what do we builD together?

Over 17 years experience

Paragraph has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Connecte life is fast growing
product engineering company focused on helping software companies create innovative products for the next generation. Headquartered in Austin, Connected Life has proven expertise and a deep domain understanding of technology to deliver software engineering services such as software product development (web/non web), product migration, software testing and custom application development maintenance to enterprises spread across the globe. Connected Life is committed to building lasting strategic partnerships with its clients to ensure satisfaction and measurable business results. We provide full range of offshore software development services, from custom programming services to mobile application design. You can hire our specialists to extend your team remotely or order full cycle software development process.

Connecte life has wide-range
of experience in developing portable, robust, scalable and secure applications based on Java, J2EE, .NET, PHP and related technologies. Unique engagement of product development and software product engineering model leverage strong software product companies to develop its software products faster and with lower operating cost.
Product Co-Development
Custom Solutions
Business Integration

Expertise in the entire range
of technological spectrum which includes Desktop, Enterprise, Embedded and Card technologies. Our extensive experience in some of the cutting-edge development technologies allows us to build best of breed solutions for our clients. We have delivered a number of real-time mission critical Enterprise applications which involves developing a robust, reliable, secure, scalable and adaptable system architecture using design methodologies such as SOA, Web 2.0, Event-driven architecture, RPC, AJAX, N-tier architecture etc. Following is a brief summary of our expertise.